Daily Verse a short verse (almost) every day

Everyday Promises

I told her I’d come tomorrow,
share her joy and her sorrow.

But something came up,
so I’ll see her next week.
One day I promise to finally
break this lying streak.


History is never cleanly made.
Families struggle, politicians tirade.

A vote for Leave is a vote for change,
and that is what will come to “Great Britain”.

Active Voice

Twelve years I waited passively for inspiration to strike at will:
sometimes it flowed like honey, sometimes like viscous swill.

Inspiration is everywhere, you see: one only has to notice.
If not outside then look within: life comes into focus.

From that image you can reflect, observe and reimagine,
draw grand ideas, lofty goals, or small details examine.

In search of my Active Voice, I begin this daily chore.
I know not where it leads to, but soon we’ll find out more.